Saturday, July 25, 2009

Roberth Klose Melcher

please check our baby klose on that links

Monday, May 18, 2009

Last but not least

Sorry.. i've just seen ur post...
I know We're not together now...
but I believe there must be something good on it...
Never stop for learning....
FYI, As far from Now, You're still the one and only that i treat so well...

Hope this situation can bring us to the another scenes of our Love Life..
I'm just searching for the Worth One...
This is not the end but it begins from now...
Grow up and more....

Find the best... Nobody's perfect but seeking for which better fits on you....
That's what i'm doing....
Take care......GBU

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Today is my B'day

hari ini aku ulang tahun tapi aku udah ga sm kamu.. rasanya pingin bgt kaya tahun lalu.. huah.. di umur yg ke 21 ini aku cuma mau menjadi org yg lebih baik lg dr tahun2 yg sebelumnya.. thx for everything u give to me.. huah.. semoga apa yg aku mau dpt tercapai.. huhu.. i know god hae a beautiful plan for me.. hehehehe.. mungkin sekarang kita disuruh belajar sama2 saling mengerti tentang diri kita masing2 supaya apabila suatu saat kita kembali kita udah sama2 tau tentang diri kita masing2 dan mengetahui apa yg kita mau nantinya.. huah.. untuk sekarang ini aku cuma bisa terus berusah menjadi yg terbaik didalam hidup aku sendiri dan nantinya untuk kamu juga.. take care ya.. gbu.. happy birtday to me..

Friday, April 17, 2009


huah.. stelah perjalanan panjang pada akirnya kita terpisah juga.. huhu.. tapi rasa sayang aku ke kamu tidak hilang.. hehehehehehehehehe.. sekarang aku cuma bisa jalanin aja apa yang ada di depan mata dan apa yang aku mau.. huhu.. cuma aku yakin suatu saat nanti kita bisa bersatu lg karena kita mempunyai banyak kesamaan yg tidak bisa terpisahkan.. huah.. cuma sekarang ini kita dalam masa pembenahan diri dan aku udah byk bisa merubah keburukan yg ada dalam diri aku.. huah.. segini dulu ya nanti aku tulis lg.. lot of luf.. hug n kiss.. mwah.. mwah.. mwah.. mwah.. mwah..

Monday, February 9, 2009

We broke up

It's DONE...


Sunday, January 11, 2009

We are the champion

I will give the best shot as long as I can deserve for this year !
I've got to be numb 1...and I am..
but I still win even without you..
and u are.. at least You're still winning my heart...
How much any longer for u to be different... i don't care bout the reason..

I'm so sick around that shit..
I really disappointed that u cant make it yesterday...
But I don't wanna ruin my mood..
I cried, nervous, laugh and silly face in the mean time...

I just want to make my 21 like forever...
Because I'm going to be..
it's bout Now or never !